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NSG-2 : Java based NS-2 scenarios generator

Download: NSG2.1

What is NSG2?

NS2 Scenarios Generator 2(NSG2) is a JAVA based ns2 scenarios generator. Since NSG2 is written by JAVA language, you can run NSG on any platform. NSG2 is capable of generating both wired and wireless TCL scripts for ns2. Some major functions of NSG2 are listed below:

1. Creating wired and wireless nodes

2. Creating connection between nodes

3. Creating links (Duplex-Link and Simplex-Link)

4. Creating agents (TCP and UDP)

5. Creating applications (CBR and FTP)

6. Node movement

The link of the site is:


For me it this script generator only can give all basic setting for our environment, we also need some modification to meet our desire then. but it is good for beginner...

The file which is created by NSG2.1 , i run it using NS2.9 . But the file is in different format than the created by hand written tcl file..........

Some one please help meeeee...........

hi thanks for giving this wonderful tool...... i have doubt in agent creation... i get tcl script for node,application,link but i did not get the script for agent while generating tcl file by using tcl mode. please help me to get that... in design environment i create that agent but i cant get the script for that......

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