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Installing Tracegraph in Fedora 10 with NS-2

As referred to:

I have followed the steps below for Tracegraph installation:
Download Tracegraph for linux: Tracegraph202
Download Matlab for tracegraph: Matlab
Download my .bashrc file: .bashrc

Installation instructions on Linux:
1)Download tracegraph and mglinstaller from the webpage
Check Trace graph download page:
Choose Linux version and download mglinstaller.
2) At the directory where you save the tracegraph and mglinstaller.
Command: tar -xvzf tracegraph202.linux.tar.gz
3) Command: gunzip mglinstaller.gz
4) Command: sh mglinstaller
5) When asking for location folder, set /home/user1/mgl as the location
6) set the environment path variable by
Command: gedit ~/.bashrc
In .bashrc file, add in the following:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/user1/mgl/bin/glnx86
7) Check the environment,
Command: printenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH
8) Go to directory /home/user1/Tracegraph202 and run trgraph.
Command: ./trgraph

Errors encounter when installing:
1) ./trgraph: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Solution: LD_LIBRARY_PATH is not defined properly. Check with printenv and set the environment again.

2) ./trgraph: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

solution: yum install

Installation instructions on Windows:
1)Download tracegraph and mglinstaller from the page make sure it is windows version
2)unzip to say, D:\
3)execute mglinstaller.exe, when it asks for directory name, enter D:\tracegraph202
4) add D:\tracegraph202\bin\win32 to your environment PATH
5)how to add to environment PATH??
right click on Mycomputer and select properties
From properties select Advanced tab
Select environment path variables
Select PATH and add your path to it
Thats it tracegraph is now ready!!
This is the procedure i followed while installing tracegraph on both windows and linux (if you dont have matlab installed on your machine.)


Dear Elly, Thanks a lot for the useful guide to install. I followed your instruction for installing tracegraph2.05 . After following all the steps, when I go to the tracegraph directory, there is no executable trgraph file ; the only available files named tr* are trgraph.cfg, trgraph.fir, trgraph.m
So I tried to change the trgraph.m to executable format. But now the error is :

./trgraph.m: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `='
./trgraph.m: line 1: `function varargout = trgraph(varargin)'

So could you tell me how to solve this? Did I make a mistake in the installation?

Thanks in advance for your attention :)

My mistake. Tracegraph2.05 is for windows. I followed the same procedure with tracegraph2.02 and it worked smoothly.
In case anybody needs it :)

hi, i tried to download trace graph for linux (ubuntu 8.04) but all the sites give the link you have given, and it appears to be broken. If possible could you please email it to me at
please put "trace graph" in subject or something like "ns2" so that it doesnt go into spam folder
thank you

hi ,
I'm trying to install trace graph on Linux OS
and this error accrued when I run trgraph

./trgraph: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

help me plz

hi elly

I successfully installed tracegraph,but i couldnt see output.

plz explain me how to understand trace file? anyother ways.

ns2miracle sample scripts only i used.

plz this is urgent..

i have got problem number 2, and i already followed the solution yum install

and then terminal asked me to apt-get install yum
but i got next problem in terminal for package configuration "configuring ttf-mscoarefonts-installer

at the end Reference:

please help me ASAP.
sincerely arief

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