More and more about NS-2

A simple demo with jTrana

Thanks to Weiwei Fang, the developer of jTrana, for providing us this demo:

Download the demo here (in MS-Word):
A Simple Demo

Download the slides here (PowerPoint):
Jtrana Slides

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Steps to install jTrana

Download: Java
Download: jTrana
Download: Mysql5.1.30-32bits

JTrana is a java-based NS2 Wireless Trace Analyzer. You can use it to analyse the NS2 wireless simulation traces.

What can jTrana do?
Network related: Overall information, Energy remained for the whole network, Packet statistics.
Nodes Related: Current selected node info, packets id, throughput, energy, sequence number, delay, RTT, Movement
Custom function: Get the data from the MySQL database using SQL-like script and get the results.

Special thanks to Nancy for supplying me the installers which have saved my time a lot from downloading with the campus snail speed internet access.

Software needed:

Here are the steps recorded down when I am installing jTrana:

1. Make sure your Windows (Windows XP Pro, in my case) has Java supported, if not, install Java first.

2. Then, install mysql ( my filename is: Follow the guidelines from Larry Kahm:

3. Next click on jTRANA file, namely run.bat. Login as root with the password set during mysql installation. Below is the login page of jTrana upon successful installation:

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Creating your own routing protocols in NS-2

Download Protoname source code: PROTONAME

Just went through ip-tech.blogspot and happened to read on his post about creating own protocols. This information is really helpful to me, hopefully by reading the guideline in "Implementing a New Unicast routing Protocol in NS2", I would able to write my own routing protocols soon.

Download "Implementing a New Unicast routing Protocol in NS2" here:

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First touch on NS-2

Download: NS-2.33

After done some literature review, since like NS-2 would be the best network simulation tool in my research. As most people have used it all this time. Therefore, I have tried to install the latest NS-2.33 in cygwin because my operating system is in Windows XP (in Virtual PC).

Here are the steps to install NS-2 in virtual pc with cygwin:

Download virtual PC here:

Download Window XP OS for virtual PC here:

Download Cygwin here:

Download latest NS-2 here:

With all these downloaded, you are all set to go to install NS-2 in your virtual pc.
If the link is broken, you may just search for the file with google search.

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I should have blog this earlier...

I should have blog this earlier about every obstacles and steps that have been taken upon my NS-2 experience. I hope now is still not too late yet. I hope to give this blog updated with every problems that I have faced when installing NS-2, running NS-2 and progressing with my research throughout my postgraduate studies.

Besides having this blog as a note to myself, hopefully the contents of the blog can serve as an aid to others who faced the similar problem as me. I have found blog is the most informative way for me to learn the way to start NS-2 and has helped me to solve some of my problem. Therefore, I have decided to write in my blog too to share with people and gained valuable advice from my reader.

Happy reading! That all for a short opening post. ^ ^

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