More and more about NS-2

NIST Wimax patch for NS-2.31

Download: NS-2.31 + NIST Wimax patch

Article obtained from:

Install ns-allinone-2.31

1. download ns-allinone-2.31

2. Move ns-allinone-2.31.tar.gz to C:\cygwin\home\user

3. Start cygwin , tar zxvf ns-allinone-2.31.tar.gz

4. cd ns-allinone-2.31

5. ./install

6. Modify .bashrc file of C:\cygwin\home\user by inserting the following at the end of the file:

export NS_HOME=`pwd`/ns-allinone-2.31

export PATH=$NS_HOME/tcl8.4.14/unix:$NS_HOME/tk8.4.14/unix:$NS_HOME/bin:$NS_HOME/ns-2.31:$PATH

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$NS_HOME/tcl8.4.14/unix:$NS_HOME/tk8.4.14/unix:$NS_HOME/otcl-1.13:$NS_HOME/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

export TCL_LIBRARY=$NS_HOME/tcl8.4.14/library

7. after exit cygwin , restart cygwin ,with the command: ns , to test if ns install successfully.

Install wimax module and ns-2.31 patch

1. Can be downloaded from the blog or obtained from | Software Tools

Note: contains patch for ns-2.31. See documentation for the list of modifications. Use the request form to download the file.

The downloaded file is ns-nist-wimax.tgz
Copy the file to C:\cygwin\home\user

2. Start cygwin then unpacked the tarball with command: tar zxvf ns-nist-wimax.tgz

3. Then, with command: tar zxvf prerelease041707.tgz
After decompress completed, you will find patch-ns-2.31-041707 patch file.

4. Copy patch-ns-2.31-041707 to C:\cygwin\home\user\ns-allinone-2.31 folder

5. cd ns-allinone-2.31

6. patch -p0

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Accelerate NS-2 scheduler

Download: Scheduler-patch

This is a patch that can speed up the NS-2 scheduler by improving the Calendar Queue data structure in the scheduler. Especially, it can help to speed up many simulations with high speed long distance network. Some simulations that need one day with the original NS2 scheduler can now be finished in an hour.

  1. Copy the patch to ns-allinone-2.28/ns-2.28 (or ns-2.29)
  2. In the directory of ns-allinone-2.28/ns-2.28 (or ns-2.29) , run: make clean
  3. In the directory of ns-allinone-2.28/ns-2.28 (or ns-2.29), run: patch -p1 <>
  4. (Optional) delete the patch file by rm ns-scheduler.patch
  5. recompile the ns2 by make and make install

Many thanks to the author: David X. Wei

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