More and more about NS-2

Error: nam: command not found

In nam directory (inside the ns-allinone)use the following command:
./configure and make

When compiling, you would encounter a series of errors. Erase for example, "abc::" from file and
in the line with error could solve the problem.
By solving all the errors, you could execute nam with the command:

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Error free NIST mobility NS2.29 installation

Download: patch_nist_mobility

Download: ns-nist-mob.tgz

1. Extract the patch and insert the patch file in ns-2.29 folder.
2. Patch the folder with the command:
patch -p1 -i ns2_NIST_mobility.patch
3. Compile the whole ns-2.29 with the command:

Special thanks to Mr Johann M. Márquez Barja for providing the patch.
To install NIST mobility....
II- Version
This source files provided is for ns-2.29.

III- Installation
The mobility package is a complete ns-2.29 directory, not a patch.
Unzip and untar the source file:
tar -zxf ns-nist-mob.tgz
this will extract another compressedf file to unzip and untar:
tar -zxf ns-2.29-nist-mob-022707.tgz (this will uncompress a complete ns-2.29 directory)

Note: we have a generic name (ns-nist-mob.tgz) for download purposes. This file contains a compressed file with the release date to better keep track of the different versions.

IV- Compilation options
After extracting the ns-2.29 directory, you need to recompile the code. To do so, execute "make clean; ./configure ; make" in the ns-2.29 directory.
To debug the wimax code, edit the Makefile and add the -DDEBUG_WIMAX switch in the DEFINE entry.

V- Running examples
Examples of scenarios using homogeneous and heterogeneous handovers are located in the tcl/hsntg directory.
The scripts have been updated to run properly.

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To Save and Exit in "vi" Command - Linux

Esc, then shift+ctrl+":" and then "wq", enter.

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